This Dama percolator from Bialetti is one of the most famous coffee makers in the world. With the help of this authentic coffee maker, you can make delicious aromatic espresso in a flash. Instructions on how to use the Moka system here.
Η Pro-Fondi EVO είναι ηλεκτρική συσκευή για τον γρήγορο καθαρισμό του porta filter μέσα σε 2 δευτερόλεπτα. Αθόρυβη και εύκολη στη χρήση, επιτρέπει την απόρριψη των υπολειμμάτων καφέ σε σακούλα κάτω από τον πάγκο, αποφεύγοντας το χτύπηπα του porta filter και την διασπορά υπολειμμάτων καφέ στο πάτωμα.
- Φτερωτή καθαρισμού 57-58 mm
- Ηλ.Τροφοδοσία 12V - 3A
- βίδες στερέωσης
- εγχειρίδιο οδηγιών
This blend was the first ever to be produced by our company, and has been going strong since we founded our coffee roasting business in 1948. It has always had the name Gran Miscela Dolce, but recently our experiences, especially abroad, have shown that those who appreciate it simply remember it as ‘DOLCE’, i.e. sweet. From 2016, with this packaging, this has become its name, to emphasise and better define its most distinguishing feature: sweetness.
100% Arabica. Bio, Equo, Deca. Miscela di caffè Arabica centroamericani provenienti da agricoltura biologica, certificati da CCPB e da Fairtrade per il commercio equo-solidale. L'estrazione della caffeina avviene attraverso un processo naturale a mezzo di vapore d'acqua a contatto con anidride carbonica (CO2). Indicato per chi sceglie la cucina naturale e biologica e per chi vuole rinunciare alla caffeina. Contenuto di caffeina inferiore allo 0.1% verificata su ogni lotto di produzione. 250g macinato.