• 100 pcs single wall paper cup 4oz
  • il Modo Single origin Honduras Marcala Organic Region: Marcala, La Paz Producer: Smallholders Altitude: 1.400 - 1.600 m Variety: Catuai, Lempira, Parainema washed Crop: November - April Processing: Fully-washed, sun-dried Cup Profile: Cocoa, roasted almonds, balanced, sweet and bright. SCA: 84,00 Roasted: 23.05.2024 Profile: City to city Bean 500gr bag.
  • il Modo freddo glass

    3.80 Including tax
    Glass suitable for freddo espresso and freddo cappuccino.
  • il Modo espresso cup

    6.70 Including tax
    Cup made of porcelain, suitable for espresso.
  • il Modo Espresso 80/20 1Kg Beans

    27.70 Including tax
    Συνδυασμός της εκλεπτυσμένης Arabica (80%), με την ένταση και την καφεΐνη της Robusta (20%), δίνουν ένα ισορροπημένο αποτέλεσμα για τους λάτρεις των έντονων γεύσεων. Ιδανικός espresso για κρύα ροφήματα. Συσκευασία: Άκοπος 1kgr bag.
  • il Modo Espresso 3Kg Tin

    95.39 Including tax
    Our new blend was created from five selected Arabica varieties from Central and South America and Africa. The light-medium roasting and the intense chocolate flavor that leaves pleasant and long aftertaste, are the elements that characterize the blend. Coffee beans are packed in a 3 Kg tin, with silicone cap, that will preserve the blend excellently until the opening. With low caffeine content that does not exceed 1.6%
  • Το νέο μας blend δημιουργήθηκε από την σύνθεση πέντε επιλεγμένων ποικιλιών Arabica από την Κεντρική και Νότια Αμερική και την Αφρική . To light-medium ψήσιμο, η έντονα σοκολατένια και γεμάτη γεύση με την ευχάριστη και μακριά επίγευση, είναι τα στοιχεία που το χαρακτηρίζουν. Συσκευασμένος σε μεταλικό βαρελάκι με τάπα σιλικόνης, για την άριστη διατήρησή του μέχρι το άνοιγμα. Με χαμηλή περιεκτικότητα σε καφεΐνη που δεν ξεπερνά το 1,6%. Συσκευασία: Άκοπος 1kgr bag.
  • 100 pcs double wall paper cup 12oz
  • il Modo cappuccino cup

    7.80 Including tax
    Cup made of porcelain, suitable for cappuccino.
  • Hario Ceramic Dripper V60 – 02

    34.94 Including tax
    HARIO V60 02 Black ceramic filter for hand infusion. Spiral grooves on the inside that ensure maximum aroma extraction. For 1-4 cups. Box contains measuring spoon.
  • Hario Ceramic Dripper V60 – 01

    20.65 Including tax
    HARIO V60 01 White ceramic filter for hand infusion. Spiral grooves on the inside that ensure maximum aroma extraction. Box contains measuring spoon.
  • Cylindrical plexiglass Hoper adjustable on coffee grinders.
  • Goppion Latta Storica 1960

    13.45 Including tax
    Gift idea! Storica Tin with 250g of ground coffee.

    Starting in the early 1950s, the Torrefazione Trevigiana Caffè brand, was definitively replaced by the family name Goppion, followed by the slogan: “il buon caffè”.

    The logo of that period, designed in modernist colours, was created by a well known advertising poster artist of the time, Franco Sgrilli. The centre of the drawing is dominated by Piazza dei Signori in Treviso, a place where people traditionally meet, as happens in small Italian towns. The brand remained unchanged until 1968 when the new production facility opened. For almost twenty years, the italic script Goppion accompanied all the graphics dedicated to the Bar line. 

    Misure: h= 17 cm – Ø= 10 cm
  • Goppion Latta Storica 1948

    13.45 Including tax
    Gift idea! Historic Tin, with 250g of ground coffee. This is the reissue of the first packaging of‚ ‘Torrefazione Trevigiana Caffè’, a small artisanal laboratory that already existed in Treviso in Piazza Noli, which became Piazza della Borsa after the bombings on April 7, 1943. After our family’s acquisition in 1948, the name was extended to‚ Fratelli Goppion. The drawing on the front of the tin represents Piazza dei Signori, the historic center and symbol of the city of Treviso.
  • Cylindrical plexiglass Hoper adjustable on coffee grinders.
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